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life in Scotland

  • 1 wet weather is a feature of life in Scotland

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > wet weather is a feature of life in Scotland

  • 2 wet weather is feature of life in Scotland

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > wet weather is feature of life in Scotland

  • 3 vita

    f life
    ( durata della vita) lifetime
    anatomy waist
    a vita for life
    costo m della vita cost of living
    senza vita lifeless
    * * *
    vita1 s.f.
    1 life*: vita degli animali, delle piante, animal, plant life; la vita umana, human life; la vita terrena, life on earth; essere in vita, to be living (o alive); essere in fin di vita, to be dying; essere privo di vita, to be lifeless; essere tra la vita e la morte, to be between life and death; rimanere in vita, to survive; non dare segni di vita, to show (o to give) no signs of life; rischiare la vita, to risk (o to venture) one's life; perdere la vita, to lose one's life; dare la vita a qlcu., to give birth to s.o.; dare la vita per qlcu., qlco., to give (o to sacrifice) one's life for s.o., sthg.; dar vita a qlco., to start (o to set up) sthg.; togliere la vita a qlcu., to take s.o.'s life; togliersi la vita, to kill oneself (o to commit suicide); richiamare in vita qlcu., to bring s.o. back to life; salvare la vita a qlcu., to save s.o.'s life; ti devo la vita, I owe you my life; aver cara la vita, to value one's life; vender cara la vita, to sell one's life dearly; essere attaccati alla vita, to love life // nella primavera, al tramonto della vita, in the spring, autumn of life // l'altra vita, the next life; la vita eterna, eternal life; passare a miglior vita, to pass away (o breath one's last) // lotta per la vita, struggle for life // assicurazione sulla vita, life insurance // è in gioco la sua vita, his life is at stake // è una questione di vita o di morte, it's a matter of life and death // ne va della vita, it's more than my life is worth // pena la vita, on pain of death // lo giuro sulla mia vita, I swear it on my life // l'aria e la luce sono la nostra vita, air and light are (o mean) life to us // il lavoro è la sua vita, work is his life; amor mio, vita mia!, my love, my life! // storie di vita vissuta, real life stories // conoscere la vita, to know life (o the world); avere esperienza della vita, to have experience of life (o of the world) // è la vita!, that's life! // finché c'è vita c'è speranza, (prov.) while there's life there's hope
    2 ( periodo di vita) life*; ( durata di una vita) lifetime: vita lunga, long life; vita media, average lifetime; (fis. nucleare) mean life; vita operativa, physical life; durante la sua vita, during his lifetime; tutta una vita di felicità, a lifetime of happiness; capita una sola volta nella vita, it happens only once in a lifetime; non l'ho mai fatto in vita mia, I have never done it in my life; quel giornale ha avuto vita breve, that newspaper had a short life // vita natural durante, for one's natural life // a vita, (for) life; carcere a vita, life imprisonment; condanna a vita, life sentence; essere condannato a vita, to be given a life sentence; pensione a vita, life pension; senatore a vita, senator for life // per ( tutta) la vita, for life: essere menomato per la vita, to be maimed for life; ti amerò per tutta la vita, I'll love you as long as I live // in vita, during one's life: in vita non è stato un gran che, during his lifetime he wasn't up to much // lo conosco da una vita, è una vita che lo conosco, I've known him for years
    3 ( modo di vivere) life*, living: vita sana, onesta, attiva, healthy, honest, active life; vita privata, pubblica, private, public life; ritirarsi a vita privata, to retire to private life; vita di relazione, social life; vita in comune, life together; far vita in comune, to live together; condurre una vita tranquilla, to lead a quiet life; vivere una vita disordinata, to live (o to lead) a disorderly life // tenore di vita, standard of living // che vita!, what a life! // vita da cani, dog's life // come va la vita?, how's life (o how are you getting on)? // fare una vita da nababbo, da re, to live like a lord (o a king) // fare la dolce vita, to live it up // fare una bella vita, to lead a good life // fare la, darsi alla bella vita, to lead a life of pleasure // fare la vita, to be a prostitute; donna di vita, prostitute // avere una doppia vita, to live (o to lead) a double life // cambiare vita, to mend one's ways // rifarsi una vita, to make a new life for oneself // trascinare la vita, to live (o to lead) a hard life // rendere la vita difficile a qlcu., to make life difficult for s.o. // sapere vita, morte e miracoli di qlcu., to know everything about s.o. // poca brigata vita beata, (prov.) the fewer the better
    4 ( il necessario per vivere) living: il costo della vita, the cost of living; la vita è sempre più cara, the cost of living is going up all the time; guadagnarsi la vita, to earn one's living; si guadagna onestamente la vita, he earns an honest living; guadagnarsi a stento la vita, to scrape a living
    5 ( vitalità) vitality, life*; ( animazione) animation: è piena di vita, she is full of life (o bubbling over with vitality); città, strada piena di vita, town, street full of life; musica piena di vita, music full of vitality; romanzo privo di vita, lifeless novel; dar vita a una festa, to liven up a party
    6 ( essere, persona) life*: non c'era traccia di vita per le strade, there was no sign of life in the streets; la guerra costa molte vite, war costs many lives; non si lamenta alcuna perdita di vite umane, no lives were lost (o there was no loss of life)
    7 ( biografia) life*, biography: hai letto le vite di Plutarco?, have you read Plutarch's lives?
    vita2 s.f. ( parte del corpo) waist: prendere qlcu. per la vita, to seize s.o. by the waist; giro di vita, waist measure; abito stretto in vita, a tight-waisted dress; avere la vita alta, bassa, essere corto, lungo di vita, to have a high, low waist, to be high-waisted, low-waisted; avere la vita stretta, sottile, to have a slender waist; vita di vespa, wasp waist // su con la vita!, cheer up!
    * * *
    I ['vita] sf
    1) (gen) life

    dare la vita per qn/qc — to give one's life for sb/sth

    2) (modo di vivere) life, lifestyle

    nella vita quotidiana o di ogni giorno — in everyday life

    II ['vita] sf
    Anat waist

    abito a vita alta/bassa — dress with a high/low waist

    punto (di) vita Sartoriawaist

    * * *
    I ['vita]
    sostantivo femminile
    1) life*

    salvare la vita a qcn. — to save sb.'s life

    a vita — [esiliare, segnare] for life; [esilio, sospensione] lifetime

    rendere la vita difficile a qcn. — to make life difficult for sb.

    il governo non avrà vita lungafig. the government won't last long

    la vita di città, moderna — city life, present day life

    2) (vitalità) life*

    pieno di vita — [persona, luogo] bursting with life

    3) (biografia) life*
    5) in vita alive

    tenere qcn., qcs. in vita — to keep sb., sth. alive (anche fig.)

    vita mediastatist. expectation of life


    sapere vita, morte e miracoli di qcn. — = to know everything there's to know about sb.

    darsi alla bella vita — to live it up, to lead the life of Riley

    finché c'è vita c'è speranzaprov. while there's life there's hope

    Dei due principali equivalenti inglesi della parola vita, life e living, il primo è il termine più generale che fa riferimento all'esperienza complessiva del vivere ( una questione di vita o di morte = a matter of life and death, un amico per la vita = a friend for life, lo stile di vita = the way of life / the lifestyle), mentre il secondo allude soprattutto alle necessità materiali del vivere ( condizioni di vita = living conditions, il costo della vita = the cost of living). Quando si parla della vita in generale, la parola life non è preceduta dall'articolo in inglese ( la vita è spesso dura = life is often hard), a meno che non ci sia una specificazione ( la vita dei contadini nell'Inghilterra medievale era spesso molto dura = the life of peasants in medieval England was often very hard)
    II ['vita]
    sostantivo femminile (parte del corpo) waist; (circonferenza) waistline

    vita sottile, larga — slim, large waist o waistline

    afferrare qcn. per la vita — to seize sb. around the waist

    a vita alta, bassa — [ abito] high-, low-waisted

    * * *
    Dei due principali equivalenti inglesi della parola vita, life e living, il primo è il termine più generale che fa riferimento all'esperienza complessiva del vivere ( una questione di vita o di morte = a matter of life and death, un amico per la vita = a friend for life, lo stile di vita = the way of life / the lifestyle), mentre il secondo allude soprattutto alle necessità materiali del vivere ( condizioni di vita = living conditions, il costo della vita = the cost of living). Quando si parla della vita in generale, la parola life non è preceduta dall'articolo in inglese ( la vita è spesso dura = life is often hard), a meno che non ci sia una specificazione ( la vita dei contadini nell'Inghilterra medievale era spesso molto dura = the life of peasants in medieval England was often very hard).
    sostantivo f.
     1 life*; salvare la vita a qcn. to save sb.'s life; non c'erano segni di vita there was no sign of life; togliersi la vita to take one own's life; tra la vita e la morte between life and death; c'è vita su Marte? is there life on Mars? forme di vita life forms; è una questione di vita o di morte it's a matter of life and death; per (tutta) la vita throughout one's life; non l'ho mai visto prima in vita mia I've never seen him before in my life; per la prima volta in vita mia for the first time in my life; che cosa farai nella vita? what are you going to do in life? a vita [esiliare, segnare] for life; [esilio, sospensione] lifetime; opera di (tutta) una vita work of a lifetime; avere una vita molto attiva to lead a busy life; rendere la vita difficile a qcn. to make life difficult for sb.; il governo non avrà vita lunga fig. the government won't last long; la vita di città, moderna city life, present day life; stile di vita lifestyle; condizioni di vita living conditions
     2 (vitalità) life*; prendere vita to come to life; è là che c'è vita that's where the action is; pieno di vita [persona, luogo] bursting with life
     3 (biografia) life*
     4 fig. (molto tempo) ci vuole una vita per fare it takes ages o an age to do; non la vedo da una vita it's been ages since I last saw her
     5 in vita alive; tenere qcn., qcs. in vita to keep sb., sth. alive (anche fig.); rimanere in vita to stay alive
    questa (sì che) è vita! this is the life! così va la vita that's what life is all about; avere vita facile to have an easy ride; sapere vita, morte e miracoli di qcn. = to know everything there's to know about sb.; darsi alla bella vita to live it up, to lead the life of Riley; una vita da cani a dog's life; per la vita e per la morte! till death us do part! o la borsa o la vita! your money or your life! su con la vita! cheer up! finché c'è vita c'è speranza prov. while there's life there's hope; donna di vita hooker; fare la vita to be on the game BE
    vita eterna eternal life; vita media statist. expectation of life.
    sostantivo f.
    (parte del corpo) waist; (circonferenza) waistline; vita sottile, larga slim, large waist o waistline; afferrare qcn. per la vita to seize sb. around the waist; a vita alta, bassa [ abito] high-, low-waisted; giro vita waist measurement.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > vita

  • 4 vita

    Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Inglese > vita

  • 5 сырая погода - это неотъемлемая черта жизни в Шотландии

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сырая погода - это неотъемлемая черта жизни в Шотландии

  • 6 begin

    1 ( at first) au début, au départ ; I didn't understand to begin with au début je n'ai pas compris ;
    2 ( firstly) d'abord, premièrement ;
    3 ( at all) I wish I hadn't told her to begin with pour commencer, je n'aurais jamais dû lui en parler.
    B vtr ( p prés - nn- ; prét began ; pp begun)
    1 ( start) commencer [journey, list, meeting, job, game, meal] (with par, avec) ; se lancer dans [adventure] ; aller à [school] ; to begin to do commencer à faire ; it's beginning to rain il commence à pleuvoir ; to begin doing commencer à faire ; I began the letter (with) ‘Dear Sir’ j'ai commencé la lettre par ‘Monsieur’ ; ‘well …,’ she began ‘eh bien…,’ commença-t-elle ; I begin work next week je commence à travailler la semaine prochaine ; the builders begin work on Tuesday les ouvriers commencent les travaux mardi ; they began laughing ou to laugh again ils ont recommencé à rire ;
    2 ( start to use) entamer, ouvrir [bottle, packet, jar] ; entamer [loaf] ; commencer [notebook, page] ;
    3 ( start out) débuter [career] (as comme) ; I began life as a farmer's son je suis fils de fermier ; we began married life in Scotland quand nous étions jeunes mariés nous habitions en Écosse ; this novel began life as a short story ce roman a d'abord vu le jour sous la forme d'une nouvelle ;
    4 ( have slightest success) I can't begin to describe it il m'est impossible de le décrire ; I don't begin to understand vraiment, je ne comprends pas ; I couldn't begin to imagine how he felt je ne pouvais vraiment pas imaginer ce qu'il éprouvait ;
    5 ( initiate) provoquer [debate, dispute] ; lancer [campaign, trend] ; commencer [tradition] ; déclencher [war] ; fonder [dynasty] ; to begin a conversation with engager la conversation avec ;
    6 ( come first in) marquer le commencement de [series, collection, festival] ; A begins the alphabet l'alphabet commence par A.
    C vi ( p prés - nn- ; prét began ; pp begun)
    1 ( commence) [custom, meeting, play, problem, storm, term] commencer ; let's begin commençons ; to begin with commencer par ; to begin by doing commencer par faire ; a name beginning with C un nom qui commence par C ; the week beginning the 25th la semaine qui commence le 25 ; to begin in 1995/in May commencer en 1995/en mai ; your problems have only just begun! tes problèmes ne font que commencer! ; to begin well/badly bien/mal commencer ; to begin again recommencer ; after the war began après le début de la guerre ; before the lecture begins avant le début de la conférence ;
    2 ( have its starting point) [river] prendre sa source ; the road begins in York la route part de York ; where does the national park begin? où commence le parc national?
    begin on:
    begin on [sth] attaquer [cake, garden].

    Big English-French dictionary > begin

  • 7 feature

    1. сущ.
    1) а) особенность, характерная черта;
    деталь, признак, свойство;
    свойства, особенности, общий вид characteristic, distinctive, distinguishing featureхарактерная особенность notable, noteworthy feature ≈ выдающаяся особенность optional feature ≈ дополнительная возможность special feature ≈ особая черта redeeming feature ≈ оправдывающее свойство, компенсирующее свойство feature of a treaty Syn: characteristic, quality, make, form, fashion, shape, proportions б) комп. функция, функциональность, опцияпрограммы) в) топогр. воен. выгодная, особенная подробность рельефа местности г) фон. дифференциальный признак
    2) обыкн. мн. черты лица;
    отдельные "части" лица, как-то нос, уши и т.п. The features of the Tschuktschi pronounce them of American origin. ≈ Черты лица чукчей ясно говорят об их происхождении из Америки. coarse features ≈ грубые черты delicate, fine features ≈ тонкие черты prominent features ≈ выступающие черты soft features ≈ мягкие черты striking features ≈ замечательные черты regular features sharp features Syn: contour, line
    3) а) гвоздь программы б) сенсационный материал( о сообщении в СМИ) ;
    расш. статья, очерк( в периодическом издании)
    4) а) кино полнометражный фильм б) кино основной фильм кинопрограммы (в отличие от рекламы и журнала), центральная передача телепрограммы feature film double feature
    2. гл.
    1) напоминать кого-л., походить, быть похожим на кого-л., что-л. (обычно о чертах лица) Syn: favour
    2) являться характерной чертой, отличительным признаком;
    отличать, характеризовать Fear, hope, dismay featured every face. ≈ На каждом лице отражались страх, надежда, отчаяние.
    3) а) делать гвоздем программы б) отводить главное, основное место The Government posters feature precisely the same epithets. ≈ Главное место на правительственных плакатах занимают совершенно те же эпитеты.
    4) а) кино показывать фильм в кинотеатре, "крутить" фильм б) кино выводить в главной роли (какого-л. актера) ;
    исполнять главную роль;
    расш. принимать участие( в проекте или действе любого рода) The latest popular actress is featured in this new film. ≈ В этом фильме играет популярная актриса последнего времени. All laboratory men feature in this research. ≈ В этом исследовании заняты все работники лаборатории.
    5) рисовать, обрисовывать, набрасывать, изображать( в различных значениях) The characters cannot be very minutely featured. ≈ Персонажей трудно изображать в подробностях. Syn: outline, picture, portray черты лица - her eyes are the best * в ее лице самое красивое - это глаза - he had regular but rather small *s у него были правильные, но довольно мелкие черты лица - she had oriental *s у нее был восточный тип лица особенность, характерная черта;
    признак, свойство - a lake is an important * of a landscape озеро является важной частью пейзажа - the geographical *s of a district географические особенности района - the speech contained some excellent *s в этой речи было немало положительных моментов - wet weather is a * of life in Scotland сырая погода - это неотъемлемая черта жизни в Шотландии - unusual * in a political programme нетрадиционные пункты политической программы (военное) особенности, признаки - distinguishing *s отличительные признаки - terrain *s рельеф местности гвоздь программы;
    интересный момент - the actress is the main * of the show на этой актрисе держится вся программа статья, очерк (в газете, журнале) - * story тематическая статья;
    документальный очерк - * page газетная страница, на которой помещаются основные статьи сенсационный или нашумевший материалстатье, сообщении, иллюстрации) - an account of the fire was a * of the Sunday supplement сенсацией воскресного приложения было описание пожара постоянный раздел( в газете, журнале и т. п.) - weather reports are a * of the morning paper в утренних газетах всегда отводится место для сводки погоды - * editor редактор отдела (в газете) (радиотехника) (телевидение) телеочерк или радиоочерк (биографический и т. п.) ;
    документальная передача игровой полнометражный фильм (тж. * film) основной фильм кинопрограммы останки, остатки человеческих поселений, обнаруживаемые при раскопках быть или являться характерной чертой, отличать - small hills which * the landscape невысокие холмы, характерные для этой местности отличаться - string quartets * a style more characteristic of the last century струнные квартеты более характерны для музыки прошлого столетия показывать (на экране) ;
    выводить в главной роли - a new film featuring... новый фильм с участием (в главной роли)... помещать в газете (на видном месте) - her article was *d in this magazine ее статья была напечатана на видном месте в этом журнале - the newspaper *d the story of the murder в газете на первых страницах поместили подробное сообщение об убийстве фигурировать;
    быть представленным - other lesser-known figures that * in the book другие, менее известные персонажи, которые фигурируют в книге - fish *s very largely in the food of these islanders рыба занимает очень важное место в пище этих островитян (американизм) (разговорное) уделять особое место, внимание;
    делать гвоздем программы (американизм) (разговорное) создавать рекламу;
    рекламировать - they're featuring the fall styles early this year в этом году рано начали показывать осенние моды (американизм) (разговорное) представлять себе, воображать - can you * wearing a necktie out here подумай только, как можно здесь появиться в галстуке advanced ~ вчт. преимущество a ~ of a treaty положение договора;
    agricultural features агротехнические особенности ancestral ~ вчт. унаследованные свойства fail-safe ~ вчт. отказобезопасность fail-safe ~ вчт. отказоустойчивость feature большая( газетная) статья ~ быть характерной чертой ~ гвоздь программы;
    аттракцион ~ делать гвоздем программы ~ изображать, рисовать, набрасывать;
    обрисовывать ~ исполнять главную роль, выступать в главной роли ~ топ. местный предмет;
    подробность рельефа местности ~ разг. напоминать чертами лица, походить (на кого-л., что-л.) ~ особенность, характерная черта;
    признак, свойство, деталь ~ особенность ~ отводить важнейшее место;
    the newspaper features a story газета на видном месте помещает рассказ ~ очерк ~ показывать (на экране) ;
    выводить в главной роли ~ показывать ~ полнометражный фильм;
    основной фильм кинопрограммы;
    центральная передача телепрограммы ~ постоянный раздел (в газете) ~ признак ~ рекламировать ~ свойство ~ сенсационный материал (о статье, сообщении по радио или телевидению) ~ сенсационный материал ~ создавать рекламу ~ статья ~ статья в газете ~ фигурировать ~ характерная черта ~ (обыкн. pl) черты лица ~ attr.: ~ film художественный фильм;
    feature article очерк ~ attr.: ~ film художественный фильм;
    feature article очерк a ~ of a treaty положение договора;
    agricultural features агротехнические особенности hardware ~ вчт. аппаратное средство key ~s вчт. основные характеристики main ~ главная характерная черта ~ отводить важнейшее место;
    the newspaper features a story газета на видном месте помещает рассказ noiseroof ~ вчт. помехоустойчивость tag and drag ~ вчт. средство выделения и перемещения undocumented ~ вчт. неописанное средство unsupported ~ вчт. неподдерживаемое средство

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > feature

  • 8 feature

    1. [ʹfi:tʃə] n
    1. обыкн. pl черты лица

    he had regular but rather small features - у него были правильные, но довольно мелкие черты лица

    2. 1) особенность, характерная черта; признак, свойство

    a lake is an important feature of a landscape - озеро является важной чертой пейзажа

    the geographical features of a district - географические особенности района

    the speech contained some excellent features - в этой речи было немало положительных моментов

    wet weather is a feature of life in Scotland - сырая погода - это неотъемлемая черта жизни в Шотландии

    unusual feature in a political programme - нетрадиционные пункты политической программы

    2) pl воен. особенности, признаки

    distinguishing [observable] features - отличительные [наблюдаемые] признаки

    3. гвоздь программы; аттракцион; интересный момент

    the actress is the main feature of the show - на этой актрисе держится вся программа

    4. 1) статья, очерк (в газете, журнале)

    feature story - тематическая статья; документальный очерк

    feature page - газетная страница, на которой помещаются основные статьи

    2) сенсационный или нашумевший материал (о статье, сообщении, иллюстрации)

    an account of the fire was a feature of the Sunday supplement - сенсацией воскресного приложения было описание пожара

    3) постоянный раздел (в газете, журнале и т. п.)

    weather reports are a feature of the morning papers - в утренних газетах всегда отводится место для сводки погоды

    4) радио, тлв. телеочерк или радиоочерк (биографический и т. п.); документальная передача
    5. 1) игровой полнометражный фильм (тж. feature film)
    2) основной фильм кинопрограммы
    6. останки, остатки человеческих поселений, обнаруживаемые при раскопках
    2. [ʹfi:tʃə] v
    1. быть или являться характерной чертой, отличать

    small hills which feature the landscape - невысокие холмы, характерные для этой местности

    2. отличаться

    string quartets feature a style more characteristic of the last century - струнные квартеты более характерны для музыки прошлого столетия

    3. показывать ( на экране); выводить в главной роли

    a new film featuring... - новый фильм с участием (в главной роли)...

    4. помещать в газете ( на видном месте)

    her article was featured in this magazine - её статья была напечатана на видном месте в этом журнале

    the newspaper featured the story of the murder - в газете на первых страницах поместили подробное сообщение об убийстве

    5. фигурировать; быть представленным

    other lesser-known figures that feature in the book - другие, менее известные персонажи, которые фигурируют в книге

    fish features very largely in the food of these islanders - рыба занимает очень важное место в пище этих островитян

    6. амер. разг.
    1) уделять особое место, внимание; делать гвоздём программы
    2) создавать рекламу; рекламировать

    they're featuring the fall styles early this year - в этом году рано начали показывать осенние моды

    7. амер. разг. представлять себе, воображать

    can you feature wearing a necktie out here - подумай только, как можно здесь появиться в галстуке

    НБАРС > feature

  • 9 Dale, David

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    b. 6 January 1739 Stewarton, Ayrshire, Scotland
    d. 17 March 1806 Glasgow, Scotland
    Scottish developer of a large textile business in find around Glasgow, including the cotton-spinning mills at New Lanark.
    David Dale, the son of a grocer, began his working life by herding cattle. His connection with the textile industry started when he was apprenticed to a Paisley weaver. After this he travelled the country buying home-spun linen yarns, which he sold in Glasgow. At about the age of 24 he settled in Glasgow as Clerk to a silk merchant. He then started a business importing fine yarns from France and Holland for weaving good-quality cloths such as cambrics. Dale was to become one of the pre-eminent yarn dealers in Scotland. In 1778 he acquired the first cotton-spinning mill built in Scotland by an English company at Rothesay on the Isle of Bute. In 1784 he met Richard Arkwright, who was touring Scotland, and together they visited the Falls of the Clyde near the town of Lanark. Arkwright immediately recognized the potential of the site for driving water-powered mills. Dale acquired part of the area from Lord Braxfield and in 1785 began to build his first mill there in partnership with Arkwright. The association with Arkwright soon ceased, however, and by c.1795 Dale had erected four mills. Because the location of the mills was remote, he built houses for the workers and then employed pauper children brought from the slums of Edinburgh and Glasgow; at one time there were over 400 of them. Dale's attitude to his workers was benevolent and humane. He tried to provide reasonable working conditions and the mills were well designed with a large workshop in which machinery was constructed. Dale was also a partner in mills at Catrine, Newton Stewart, Spinningdale in Sutherlandshire and some others. In 1785 he established the first Turkey red dye works in Scotland and was in partnership with George Macintosh, the father of Charles Macintosh. Dale manufactured cloth in Glasgow and from 1783 was Agent for the Royal Bank of Scotland, a lucrative position. In 1799 he was persuaded by Robert Owen to sell the New Lanark mills for £60,000 to a Manchester partnership which made Owen the Manager. Owen had married Dale's daughter, Anne Caroline, in 1799. Possibly due in part to poor health, Dale retired in 1800 to Rosebank near Glasgow, having made a large fortune. In 1770 he had withdrawn from the established Church of Scotland and founded a new one called the "Old Independents". He visited the various branches of this Church, as well as convicts in Bridewell prison, to preach. He was also a great benefactor to the poor in Glasgow. He had a taste for music and sang old Scottish songs with great gusto.
    Further Reading
    Dictionary of National Biography.
    R.Owen, 1857, The Life of Robert Owen, written by himself, London (mentions Dale).
    Through his association with New Lanark and Robert Owen, details about Dale may be found in J.Butt (ed.), 1971, Robert Owen, Prince of Cotton Spinners, Newton Abbot; S.Pollard and J.Salt (eds), 1971, Robert Owen, Prophet of the Poor: essays in honour of the two-hundredth anniversary of his birth, London.

    Biographical history of technology > Dale, David

  • 10 Wallace, Sir William

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 25 August 1881 Leicester, England
    d. 27 May 1963 Edinburgh, Scotland
    English engineer; developer of the Denny-Brown fin stabilizer for ships.
    Wallace was brought up just outside Glasgow, and educated at Paisley Grammar School and later at the Anderson College in Glasgow. The next few years were typical of the early years in the life of many young engineers: he served an apprenticeship at the Paisley shipyard of Bow, MacLachlan, before joining the British and Burmese Steam Navigation Company (Paddy Henderson's Line) as a junior engineer. After some years on the Glasgow to Rangoon service, he rose to the rank of Chief Engineer early in life and then came ashore in 1911.
    He joined the old established Edinburgh engineering company of Brown Brothers as a draughtsman, but by 1917 had been promoted Managing Director. He was appointed Chairman in 1946. During his near thirty years at the helm, he experimented widely and was the engineering force behind the development of the Denny-Brown ship stabilizer which was jointly pursued by Brown Brothers and the Dumbarton shipyard of William Denny \& Brothers. The first important installation was on the cross-channel steamer Isle of Sark, built at Dumbarton for the Southern Railway in 1932. Over the years countless thousands of these installations have been fitted on liners, warships and luxury yachts. Brown Brothers produced many other important engineering innovations at this time, including the steam catapult for aircraft carriers.
    In later years Sir William (now knighted) took an active part in the cultural life of Edinburgh and of Scotland. From 1952 to 1954 he served as President of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1951. CBE 1944. Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. President, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland 1952–4; Gold Medal.
    1954–5 "Experiences in the stabilization of ships", Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland 98:197–266.

    Biographical history of technology > Wallace, Sir William

  • 11 terreno

    earthly, worldly.
    1 lot, terrain, land, patch.
    2 soil, ground.
    3 terrain, ground.
    * * *
    1 worldly, earthly
    1 (tierra) land, piece of land, ground; (solar) plot, site
    2 GEOGRAFÍA terrain
    4 DEPORTE field, ground
    ceder terreno figurado to give way
    conocer el terreno figurado to be familiar with something
    estar en su propio terreno figurado to be on home ground
    ganar terreno / perder terreno to gain ground / lose ground
    hacer algo sobre el terreno to do something on the spot 2 figurado to improvise something
    saber uno el terreno que pisa figurado to know what one's doing
    preparar el terreno figurado to pave the way, prepare the ground
    ser terreno abonado (para algo) figurado to be receptive (to something)
    terreno conocido figurado familiar ground
    1 (tierra) land, piece of land, ground; (solar) plot, site
    2 GEOGRAFÍA terrain
    4 DEPORTE field, ground
    5 figurado (esfera de acción) field, sphere
    * * *
    noun m.
    2) ground, land
    3) plot
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (Rel) [bienes] earthly
    2) (Bio, Geol) terrestrial
    2. SM
    1) (=extensión de tierra) [gen] land; (=parcela) piece of land, plot of land

    nos hemos comprado un terreno en las afueraswe've bought a piece of land o plot of land o some land on the outskirts of the city

    2) [explicando sus características] (=relieve) ground, terrain; (=composición) soil, land
    3) (=campo)
    a) [de estudio] field
    b) [de actividad] sphere, field

    en cuanto a las pensiones, se ha avanzado poco en este terreno — as for pensions, little progress has been made in this area

    - vencer a algn en su propio terreno

    terreno abonado —

    5) (Dep)

    terreno de juego — pitch, field

    * * *
    - na adjetivo
    a) (Relig) earthly
    b) ( no marino o aéreo) terrestrial (frml), land (before n)
    1) (lote, parcela) plot of land, lot (AmE)

    el terreno llega hasta el ríothe land o plot o lot extends as far as the river

    a) (Geog) ( refiriéndose al relieve) terrain; ( refiriéndose a la composición) land, soil

    allanarle el terreno a alguiento smooth the way o path for somebody

    ceder/ganar/perder terreno — to give/gain/lose ground

    estar en su (propio) terrenoto be on one's own ground

    minarle or socavarle el terreno a alguien — to cut the ground from under somebody's feet

    pisar terreno firme/peligroso — to tread on safe/dangerous ground

    prepararle el terreno a alguien/algo — to pave the way for somebody/something

    sobre el terreno: estudiar sobre el terreno una situación to make an on-the-spot assessment of a situation; haremos planes sobre el terreno we'll plan things as we go along; tantear el terreno — to see how the land lies

    b) (Geol) terrane, terrain
    4) (esfera, campo de acción) sphere, field
    * * *
    (n.) = arena, land, turf, terrain, land area, ground, plot of land, piece of land
    Ex. This shifts the responsibility for headings and their arrangement into the arena of cataloguers and indexers.
    Ex. Until recently all libraries and some architects have maintained that an academic library should be capable of extension and that land should be reserved for future expansion.
    Ex. Librarians are losing the war for electronic professional turf.
    Ex. These surveyors reported on terrain character and presence of wood, water and forage, and studied Indian tribal customs and languages.
    Ex. Over 17% of Botswana's land area has been set-aside as national parks and game reserves.
    Ex. A profile is a scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface with the surface of the ground.
    Ex. The core of readers and borrowers of agricultural literature are pensioners wanting to improving cultivation of their small private plots of land.
    Ex. So it is important that every piece of land is divided by a boundary to show the demarcation.
    * * *
    - na adjetivo
    a) (Relig) earthly
    b) ( no marino o aéreo) terrestrial (frml), land (before n)
    1) (lote, parcela) plot of land, lot (AmE)

    el terreno llega hasta el ríothe land o plot o lot extends as far as the river

    a) (Geog) ( refiriéndose al relieve) terrain; ( refiriéndose a la composición) land, soil

    allanarle el terreno a alguiento smooth the way o path for somebody

    ceder/ganar/perder terreno — to give/gain/lose ground

    estar en su (propio) terrenoto be on one's own ground

    minarle or socavarle el terreno a alguien — to cut the ground from under somebody's feet

    pisar terreno firme/peligroso — to tread on safe/dangerous ground

    prepararle el terreno a alguien/algo — to pave the way for somebody/something

    sobre el terreno: estudiar sobre el terreno una situación to make an on-the-spot assessment of a situation; haremos planes sobre el terreno we'll plan things as we go along; tantear el terreno — to see how the land lies

    b) (Geol) terrane, terrain
    4) (esfera, campo de acción) sphere, field
    * * *
    1 = arena, land, turf, terrain, land area, ground, plot of land, piece of land.

    Ex: This shifts the responsibility for headings and their arrangement into the arena of cataloguers and indexers.

    Ex: Until recently all libraries and some architects have maintained that an academic library should be capable of extension and that land should be reserved for future expansion.
    Ex: Librarians are losing the war for electronic professional turf.
    Ex: These surveyors reported on terrain character and presence of wood, water and forage, and studied Indian tribal customs and languages.
    Ex: A profile is a scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface with the surface of the ground.
    Ex: The core of readers and borrowers of agricultural literature are pensioners wanting to improving cultivation of their small private plots of land.
    Ex: So it is important that every piece of land is divided by a boundary to show the demarcation.
    * andar por terreno peligroso = skate + on thin ice, tread on + dangerous ground.
    * andar por terreno resbaladizo = skate + on thin ice, tread on + dangerous ground.
    * caer en terreno baldío = fall on + barren ground, fall on + fallow ground.
    * caer en terreno pedregoso = fall on + stony ground.
    * ceder terreno = yield + ground, lose + ground.
    * con terrenos cedidos por el gobierno = land grant [land-grant].
    * en terreno conocido = on familiar grounds.
    * en terreno peligroso = on shaky grounds.
    * estar moviéndose en terreno seguro = be on secure ground.
    * ganar terreno = gain + ground, make + headway.
    * gestión de terrenos = land management.
    * invadir el terreno (de Alguien) = encroach on/upon + Posesivo + domain.
    * limpiar el terreno de árboles = clear + land.
    * motocicleta todo terreno = dirt bike.
    * moverse en terreno desconocido = be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head.
    * no ceder terreno = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * parcela de terreno = plot of land, piece of land.
    * perder terreno = lose + ground.
    * pisar terreno desconocido = be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head.
    * preparación del terreno eliminando todo tipo de obstáculos = land-clearing.
    * preparar el terreno = pave + the way (for/towards/to), set + the scene, clear + the path, smooth + the way, set + the stage, pave + the path (for/towards/to), lay + the groundwork for, pave + the road (for/towards/to), clear + the way.
    * preparar el terreno para = lead up to, smooth + the path of, clear + the ground for, fertilise + the ground for.
    * prueba sobre el terreno = field test, field trial.
    * sobre el terreno = on the ground.
    * tantear el terreno = put + feeler out, test + the water.
    * terreno conocido = familiar grounds.
    * terreno cultivable pequeño = croft.
    * terreno de deportes = sport arena.
    * terreno de juego = playing field, pitch.
    * terreno de pruebas = testing ground.
    * terreno desconocido = uncharted territory, uncharted waters, unchartered territory, unchartered waters.
    * terreno elevado = high ground.
    * terreno en construcción = building site.
    * terreno firme = firm ground, safe ground, solid ground.
    * terreno inhóspito = inhospitable terrain.
    * terreno maderero = timberland.
    * terreno nada fértil = stony ground.
    * terreno neutral = neutral ground.
    * terreno para construir = building site.
    * terreno pedegroso = stony ground.
    * terreno peligroso = on thin ice, slippery ground, on dangerous ground.
    * terreno poco definido = grey area [gray area].
    * terreno resbaladizo = on thin ice, slippery ground, on dangerous ground.
    * terrenos = site, landed estate, grounds.
    * terrenos de la finca = estate grounds.
    * terreno seguro = safe ground, solid ground.
    * terreno sin construir = vacant lot.
    * terrenos sin construir = vacant land.
    * vehículo todoterreno = all-terrain vehicle.
    * vencer a Alguien en su propio terreno = beat + Nombre + at + Posesivo + own game.

    2 = earthly [earthlier -comp., earthliest -sup.], worldly [worldlier -comp., worldliest -sup.].

    Ex: After that I could never pass a dead man without stopping to gaze on his face, stripped by death of that earthly patina which masks the living soul.

    Ex: There exist sets of duality in this philosophy; body versus soul, worldly versus unworldly and life versus salvation.

    (n.) = arena, land, turf, terrain, land area, ground, plot of land, piece of land

    Ex: This shifts the responsibility for headings and their arrangement into the arena of cataloguers and indexers.

    Ex: Until recently all libraries and some architects have maintained that an academic library should be capable of extension and that land should be reserved for future expansion.
    Ex: Librarians are losing the war for electronic professional turf.
    Ex: These surveyors reported on terrain character and presence of wood, water and forage, and studied Indian tribal customs and languages.
    Ex: Over 17% of Botswana's land area has been set-aside as national parks and game reserves.
    Ex: A profile is a scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface with the surface of the ground.
    Ex: The core of readers and borrowers of agricultural literature are pensioners wanting to improving cultivation of their small private plots of land.
    Ex: So it is important that every piece of land is divided by a boundary to show the demarcation.

    * * *
    terreno1 -na
    1 ( Relig) earthly
    nuestra vida terrena our earthly life, our life on earth
    2 (no marino o aéreo) terrestrial ( frml), land ( before n)
    A (lote, parcela) plot of land, lot ( AmE)
    heredó unos terrenos en Sonora she inherited some land in Sonora
    un terreno plantado de viñas a field o an area of land planted with vines
    el terreno cuesta tanto como la casa the land costs as much as the house
    quieren construir en esos terrenos they want to build on that land o site
    el terreno llega hasta el río the land o plot o lot extends as far as the river
    field, pitch ( BrE)
    Escocia perdió frente a Gales en su propio terreno (de juego) Scotland lost at home to Wales, Scotland lost to Wales despite having home-field advantage ( AmE), Scotland lost to Wales on their home ground ( BrE)
    compraron una casa con mucho terreno they bought a house with a lot of land
    un terreno montañoso mountainous terrain
    los accidentes del terreno the features of the landscape o terrain
    un terreno pantanoso marshy land, a marshy terrain
    un terreno bueno para el cultivo del trigo good land o soil for growing wheat
    allanarle el terreno a algn to smooth the way o path for sb
    ceder/ganar/perder terreno to give/gain/lose ground
    estar en su (propio) terreno to be on one's own ground
    llamar a algn a terreno ( Chi fam); to pull sb up ( colloq)
    minarle or socavarle el terreno a algn to cut the ground from under sb's feet
    pisar terreno firme/peligroso to tread on safe/dangerous ground
    prepararle el terreno a algn/algo to pave the way for sb/sth
    recuperar terreno to recover lost ground
    sobre el terreno: para estudiar sobre el terreno la situación to make an on-the-spot o an in situ assessment of the situation
    iremos haciendo planes sobre el terreno we'll plan things as we go along
    tantear el terreno to see how the land lies
    2 ( Geol) terrane, terrain
    terreno abonado or propicio
    es terreno abonado or propicio para la delincuencia it is a breeding ground for crime
    es un terreno abonado or propicio para la especulación it gives rise to a great deal of speculation
    familiar ground
    para él ya es terreno conocido he's on familiar ground, it's familiar ground to him
    D (esfera, campo de acción) sphere, field
    ejerció una gran influencia en el terreno de las artes he was a major influence in the arts
    * * *


    terreno 1
    ◊ -na adjetivo (Relig) earthly

    terreno 2 sustantivo masculino
    a) (lote, parcela) plot of land, lot (AmE);

    un terreno plantado de viñas a field planted with vines;
    terreno de juego field, pitch

    2 (Geog) ( refiriéndose al relieve) terrain;
    ( refiriéndose a la composición) land, soil;

    3 (esfera, campo de acción) sphere, field;

    I adjetivo terrenal
    II sustantivo masculino
    1 Geol terrain
    2 (extensión de tierra) (piece of) land, ground: quiere cultivar su terreno, he wants to cultivate his land
    tiene un terreno en Valencia, he has land in Valencia
    un terreno arenoso, a sandy soil
    3 fig (campo de acción, investigación) field, sphere
    4 Dep terreno (de juego), field, ground
    ♦ Locuciones: le gusta saber qué terreno pisa, he likes to know where he stands
    ganar/perder terreno, to gain/lose ground
    preparar el terreno, to prepare the ground
    sobre el terreno, as one goes along
    ' terreno' also found in these entries:
    - adyacente
    - allanar
    - alta
    - alto
    - badén
    - depresión
    - elevación
    - escabrosa
    - escabroso
    - finca
    - grieta
    - inclinación
    - juego
    - margen
    - monte
    - movediza
    - movedizo
    - nacional
    - ondulada
    - ondulado
    - orientar
    - parque
    - pelada
    - pelado
    - pendiente
    - polígono
    - regar
    - reseca
    - reseco
    - revalorizar
    - salar
    - salvaje
    - sanear
    - solar
    - terrena
    - terruño
    - tierra
    - triangular
    - abrupto
    - accidentado
    - accidente
    - adaptar
    - agreste
    - alameda
    - altibajos
    - anegar
    - arbolado
    - arenoso
    - asentar
    dirt bike
    - estate
    - extend
    - feeler
    - flatten
    - foresight
    - gain
    - gain on
    - ground
    - gulley
    - gully
    - ice
    - jeep
    - level
    - lose
    - lot
    - out-of-bounds
    - parcel
    - patch
    - pitch
    - plot
    - recreation ground
    - rent
    - rugged
    - ruggedness
    - scout
    - spread
    - stretch
    - survey
    - tenure
    - terrain
    - testing ground
    - tract
    - uneven
    - unfold
    - way
    - area
    - common
    - country
    - ease
    - green
    - mostly
    - piece
    - preserve
    - property
    - province
    - reclaim
    - site
    * * *
    terreno, -a
    Formal [vida] earthly; [bienes, preocupaciones] worldly
    1. [suelo] land;
    [por su relieve] terrain; [por su composición, utilidad agrícola] soil;
    grandes extensiones de terreno large tracts of land;
    terreno montañoso/abrupto mountainous/rugged terrain;
    terreno arenoso/volcánico sandy/volcanic soil;
    el terreno era irregular the ground was uneven;
    ser terreno abonado (para algo) to be fertile ground (for sth)
    terreno agrícola farmland;
    terreno cultivable arable land;
    terreno edificable land suitable for development;
    terreno rústico land unsuitable for development;
    terreno urbanizable land suitable for development;
    terreno no urbanizable land unsuitable for development
    2. [parcela, solar] plot (of land);
    tenemos unos terrenos en el pueblo we have some land in the village
    3. [en deportes]
    terreno (de juego) field, Br pitch;
    los jugadores saltaron al terreno de juego the players came out onto the field o Br pitch
    4. [ámbito] field;
    en el terreno de la música/medicina in the field of music/medicine;
    tiene muchos problemas en el terreno personal she has a lot of problems in her private life;
    ha habido muchos avances en este terreno there have been considerable advances in this field
    5. [territorio] ground;
    estar o [m5] encontrarse en su propio terreno to be on home ground;
    estar en o [m5]pisar terreno conocido/desconocido/firme to be on familiar/unfamiliar/solid ground;
    llevar algo/a alguien a su terreno: sabe llevar las conversaciones a su terreno he knows how to steer conversations round to what interests him;
    la campeona supo llevar a su terreno a la tenista holandesa the champion was able to impose her own terms on the Dutch player;
    sabe llevar cualquier canción a su terreno he is capable of making any song his own;
    ceder terreno to give ground;
    ganar terreno to gain ground;
    le está ganando terreno a su rival he's gaining ground on his rival;
    perder terreno (ante alguien) to lose ground (to sb);
    preparar el terreno (para algo/a alguien) to pave the way (for sth/sb);
    reconocer o [m5] tantear el terreno to see how the land lies;
    sabe el terreno que pisa she knows what she is about;
    sobre el terreno: estudiar algo sobre el terreno to study something in the field;
    resolveremos los problemas sobre el terreno we'll solve the problems as we go along
    * * *
    I adj earthly, worldly
    II m land; fig
    un terreno a lot, Br a plot o
    piece of land;
    sobre el terreno in the field;
    ganar/perder terreno fig gain/lose ground;
    tantear el terreno fig see how the land lies;
    llevar a alguien a su terreno get s.o. on one’s home ground;
    pisar terreno resbaladizo fig be on slippery ground
    * * *
    1) : terrain
    2) suelo: earth, ground
    3) : plot, tract of land
    perder terreno : to lose ground
    preparar el terreno : to pave the way
    * * *
    1. (tierra) land

    Spanish-English dictionary > terreno

  • 12 mansión

    mansion, large house.
    * * *
    1 mansion
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    * * *
    femenino mansion
    * * *
    = stately home, mansion home, mansion, country house, manor house.
    Ex. Librarians are no strangers to the use of mobile vans as a means of taking books to scattered rural communities, even individual farms and stately homes.
    Ex. From the impressive library of his mansion home on Beacon Hill, Ticknor ruled over Boston's intellectual life and was looked to as the leading arbiter of intellectual and social life in that great city.
    Ex. Housed in a Victorian mansion, the library is used most often by new homeowners researching the history of their house.
    Ex. Over 180 country houses were demolished or gutted in Scotland in the years after the Second World War.
    Ex. There are many interesting manor houses and castles worth a visit in the region.
    * * *
    femenino mansion
    * * *
    = stately home, mansion home, mansion, country house, manor house.

    Ex: Librarians are no strangers to the use of mobile vans as a means of taking books to scattered rural communities, even individual farms and stately homes.

    Ex: From the impressive library of his mansion home on Beacon Hill, Ticknor ruled over Boston's intellectual life and was looked to as the leading arbiter of intellectual and social life in that great city.
    Ex: Housed in a Victorian mansion, the library is used most often by new homeowners researching the history of their house.
    Ex: Over 180 country houses were demolished or gutted in Scotland in the years after the Second World War.
    Ex: There are many interesting manor houses and castles worth a visit in the region.

    * * *
    mansión señorial stately home
    * * *

    mansión sustantivo femenino

    mansión sustantivo femenino mansion

    ' mansión' also found in these entries:
    - originario
    - solar
    - suntuosa
    - suntuoso
    - mansion
    - guest
    - sumptuous
    * * *
    * * *
    f mansion
    * * *
    mansión nf, pl - siones : mansion
    * * *
    mansión n mansion

    Spanish-English dictionary > mansión

  • 13 Bain, Alexander

    b. October 1810 Watten, Scotland
    d. 2 January 1877 Kirkintilloch, Scotland
    Scottish inventor and entrepreneur who laid the foundations of electrical horology and designed an electromagnetic means of transmitting images (facsimile).
    Alexander Bain was born into a crofting family in a remote part of Scotland. He was apprenticed to a watchmaker in Wick and during that time he was strongly influenced by a lecture on "Heat, sound and electricity" that he heard in nearby Thurso. This lecture induced him to take up a position in Clerkenwell in London, working as a journeyman clockmaker, where he was able to further his knowledge of electricity by attending lectures at the Adelaide Gallery and the Polytechnic Institution. His thoughts naturally turned to the application of electricity to clockmaking, and despite a bitter dispute with Charles Wheatstone over priority he was granted the first British patent for an electric clock. This patent, taken out on 11 January 1841, described a mechanism for an electric clock, in which an oscillating component of the clock operated a mechanical switch that initiated an electromagnetic pulse to maintain the regular, periodic motion. This principle was used in his master clock, produced in 1845. On 12 December of the same year, he patented a means of using electricity to control the operation of steam railway engines via a steam-valve. His earliest patent was particularly far-sighted and anticipated most of the developments in electrical horology that occurred during the nineteenth century. He proposed the use of electricity not only to drive clocks but also to distribute time over a distance by correcting the hands of mechanical clocks, synchronizing pendulums and using slave dials (here he was anticipated by Steinheil). However, he was less successful in putting these ideas into practice, and his electric clocks proved to be unreliable. Early electric clocks had two weaknesses: the battery; and the switching mechanism that fed the current to the electromagnets. Bain's earth battery, patented in 1843, overcame the first defect by providing a reasonably constant current to drive his clocks, but unlike Hipp he failed to produce a reliable switch.
    The application of Bain's numerous patents for electric telegraphy was more successful, and he derived most of his income from these. They included a patent of 12 December 1843 for a form of fax machine, a chemical telegraph that could be used for the transmission of text and of images (facsimile). At the receiver, signals were passed through a moving band of paper impregnated with a solution of ammonium nitrate and potassium ferrocyanide. For text, Morse code signals were used, and because the system could respond to signals faster than those generated by hand, perforated paper tape was used to transmit the messages; in a trial between Paris and Lille, 282 words were transmitted in less than one minute. In 1865 the Abbé Caselli, a French engineer, introduced a commercial fax service between Paris and Lyons, based on Bain's device. Bain also used the idea of perforated tape to operate musical wind instruments automatically. Bain squandered a great deal of money on litigation, initially with Wheatstone and then with Morse in the USA. Although his inventions were acknowledged, Bain appears to have received no honours, but when towards the end of his life he fell upon hard times, influential persons in 1873 secured for him a Civil List Pension of £80 per annum and the Royal Society gave him £150.
    1841, British patent no. 8,783; 1843, British patent no. 9,745; 1845, British patent no.
    10,838; 1847, British patent no. 11,584; 1852, British patent no. 14,146 (all for electric clocks).
    1852, A Short History of the Electric Clocks with Explanation of Their Principles and
    Mechanism and Instruction for Their Management and Regulation, London; reprinted 1973, introd. W.Hackmann, London: Turner \& Devereux (as the title implies, this pamphlet was probably intended for the purchasers of his clocks).
    Further Reading
    The best account of Bain's life and work is in papers by C.A.Aked in Antiquarian Horology: "Electricity, magnetism and clocks" (1971) 7: 398–415; "Alexander Bain, the father of electrical horology" (1974) 9:51–63; "An early electric turret clock" (1975) 7:428–42. These papers were reprinted together (1976) in A Conspectus of Electrical Timekeeping, Monograph No. 12, Antiquarian Horological Society: Tilehurst.
    J.Finlaison, 1834, An Account of Some Remarkable Applications of the Electric Fluid to the Useful Arts by Alexander Bain, London (a contemporary account between Wheatstone and Bain over the invention of the electric clock).
    J.Munro, 1891, Heroes of the Telegraph, Religious Tract Society.
    J.Malster \& M.J.Bowden, 1976, "Facsimile. A Review", Radio \&Electronic Engineer 46:55.
    D.J.Weaver, 1982, Electrical Clocks and Watches, Newnes.
    T.Hunkin, 1993, "Just give me the fax", New Scientist (13 February):33–7 (provides details of Bain's and later fax devices).
    DV / KF

    Biographical history of technology > Bain, Alexander

  • 14 Napier, Robert

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 18 June 1791 Dumbarton, Scotland
    d. 23 June 1876 Shandon, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
    Scottish shipbuilder one of the greatest shipbuilders of all time, known as the "father" of Clyde shipbuilding.
    Educated at Dumbarton Grammar School, Robert Napier had been destined for the Church but persuaded his father to let him serve an apprenticeship as a blacksmith under him. For a while he worked in Edinburgh, but then in 1815 he commenced business in Glasgow, the city that he served for the rest of his life. Initially his workshop was in Camlachie, but it was moved in 1836 to a riverside factory site at Lancefield in the heart of the City and again in 1841 to the Old Shipyard in the Burgh of Govan (then independent of the City of Glasgow). The business expanded through his preparedness to build steam machinery, beginning in 1823 with the engines for the paddle steamer Leven, still to be seen a few hundred metres from Napier's grave in Dumbarton. His name assured owners of quality, and business expanded after two key orders: one in 1836 for the Honourable East India Company; and the second two years later for the Royal Navy, hitherto the preserve of the Royal Dockyards and of the shipbuilders of south-east England. Napier's shipyard and engine shops, then known as Robert Napier and Sons, were to be awarded sixty Admiralty contracts in his lifetime, with a profound influence on ship and engine procurement for the Navy and on foreign governments, which for the first time placed substantial work in the United Kingdom.
    Having had problems with hull subcontractors and also with the installation of machinery in wooden hulls, in 1843 Napier ventured into shipbuilding with the paddle steamer Vanguard, which was built of iron. The following year the Royal Navy took delivery of the iron-hulled Jackall, enabling Napier to secure the contract for the Black Prince, Britain's second ironclad and sister ship to HMS Warrior now preserved at Portsmouth. With so much work in iron Napier instigated studies into metallurgy, and the published work of David Kirkaldy bears witness to his open-handedness in assisting the industry. This service to industry was even more apparent in 1866 when the company laid out the Skelmorlie Measured Mile on the Firth of Clyde for ship testing, a mile still in use by ships of all nations.
    The greatest legacy of Robert Napier was his training of young engineers, shipbuilders and naval architects. Almost every major Scottish shipyard, and some English too, was influenced by him and many of his early foremen left to set up rival establishments along the banks of the River Clyde. His close association with Samuel Cunard led to the setting up of the company now known as the Cunard Line. Napier designed and engined the first four ships, subcontracting the hulls of this historic quartet to other shipbuilders on the river. While he contributed only 2 per cent to the equity of the shipping line, they came back to him for many more vessels, including the magnificent paddle ship Persia, of 1855.
    It is an old tradition on the Clyde that the smokestacks of ships are made by the enginebuilders. The Cunard Line still uses red funnels with black bands, Napier's trademark, in honour of the engineer who set them going.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knight Commander of the Dannebrog (Denmark). President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1864. Honorary Member of the Glasgow Society of Engineers 1869.
    Further Reading
    James Napier, 1904, The Life of Robert Napier, Edinburgh, Blackwood.
    J.M.Halliday, 1980–1, "Robert Napier. The father of Clyde shipbuilding", Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland 124.
    Fred M.Walker, 1984, Song of the Clyde. A History of Clyde Shipbuilding, Cambridge: PSL.

    Biographical history of technology > Napier, Robert

  • 15 from

    1) (used before the place, thing, person, time etc that is the point at which an action, journey, period of time etc begins: from Europe to Asia; from Monday to Friday; a letter from her father.) de
    2) (used to indicate that from which something or someone comes: a quotation from Shakespeare.) de
    3) (used to indicate separation: Take it from him.) de
    4) (used to indicate a cause or reason: He is suffering from a cold.) de
    from prep
    1. de
    2. de / desde
    3. de / con / a partir de
    1 (starting at) de; (train, plane) procedente de
    what time does he get home from work? ¿a qué hora llega del trabajo?
    2 (origin, source) de, desde
    where are you from? ¿de dónde eres?
    3 (number, price, etc) de, desde, a partir de
    prices start from $10 precios a partir de 10 dólares
    it's reduced from £25 to £20 está rebajado de 25 a 20 libras
    4 (time) de, desde
    we work from 9.00 until 5.00 trabajamos de 9.00 a 5.00
    this is Mr Singh from the Council es el Sr. Singh del Ayuntamiento
    6 (using, out of) de, con
    8 (indicating separation, removal, etc) de; (subtraction) a
    9 (because of) por, a causa de
    10 (considering, according to) según, por
    from the look of him, I'd say he's a tramp por su aspecto, diría que es indigente
    how different is Catalan from Spanish? ¿en qué se diferencia el catalán del español?
    from above, you can see the whole stadium desde encima, se puede ver todo el estadio
    from ['frʌm, 'frɑm] prep
    1) (indicating a starting point) : desde, de, a partir de
    from Cali to Bogota: de Cali a Bogotá
    where are you from?: ¿de dónde eres?
    from that time onward: desde entonces
    from tomorrow: a partir de mañana
    a letter from my friend: una carta de mi amiga
    a quote from Shakespeare: una cita de Shakespeare
    10 feet from the entrance: a 10 pies de la entrada
    red from crying: rojos de llorar
    he died from the cold: murió del frío
    5) off, out of: de
    she took it from the drawer: lo sacó del cajón
    from above: desde arriba
    from among: de entre
    a partir de prep.
    de prep.
    de parte de prep.
    desde prep.
    según prep.
    frɑːm, frɒm, weak form frəm

    T-shirts from $15 — camisetas desde or a partir de $l5

    a) ( after)

    from today — a partir de hoy, desde hoy

    50 years/an hour from now — dentro de 50 años/una hora

    b) ( before)

    that's enough from you! — basta!, cállate!

    have you heard from her? — ¿has tenido noticias suyas?

    we heard from Sam that... — nos enteramos por Sam de que...


    from... to...; they flew from New York to Lima volaron de Nueva York a Lima; they stretch from Derbyshire to the borders of Scotland se extienden desde el condado de Derbyshire hasta el sur de Escocia; from door to door de puerta en puerta; we work from nine to five trabajamos de nueve a cinco; I'll be in Europe from June 20 to 29 voy a estar en Europa desde el 20 hasta el 29 de junio; from $50 to $100 — entre 50 y 100 dólares

    from experience I would say that... — según mi experiencia diría que...

    a) (out of, off) de

    from the cupboard/shelf — del armario/estante

    b) ( Math)
    7) (with preps & advs)

    from above/below — desde arriba/abajo


    where are you from? — ¿de dónde eres?

    where has he come from? — ¿de dónde ha venido?

    the train from Madrid — el tren de Madrid, el tren procedente de Madrid

    from A to Z — de A a Z, desde A hasta Z

    2) (indicating time) de, desde

    from one o'clock to or until two — desde la una hasta las dos

    from a child, from childhood — desde niño

    a telephone call from Mr Smith — una llamada de parte del Sr. Smith

    to drink from a stream/from the bottle — beber de un arroyo/de la botella

    where did you get that from? — ¿de dónde has sacado or sacaste eso?

    take the gun from him! — ¡quítale el revólver!

    6) (indicating price, number etc) desde, a partir de

    we have shirts from £8 (upwards) — tenemos camisas desde or a partir de 8 libras

    prices range from £10 to £50 — los precios varían entre 10 y 50 libras

    the interest rate increased from 6% to 10% — la tasa de interés ha subido del 6 al 10 por ciento

    to know good from bad — saber distinguir entre el bien y el mal, saber distinguir el bien del mal

    9) (=because of, on the basis of) por

    from what he says — por lo que dice, según lo que dice

    10) (=away from)

    to escape from sth/sb — escapar de algo/algn

    11) (with prep, adv)

    from beneath or underneath — desde abajo

    from inside/outside the house — desde dentro/fuera de la casa

    * * *
    [frɑːm, frɒm], weak form [frəm]

    T-shirts from $15 — camisetas desde or a partir de $l5

    a) ( after)

    from today — a partir de hoy, desde hoy

    50 years/an hour from now — dentro de 50 años/una hora

    b) ( before)

    that's enough from you! — basta!, cállate!

    have you heard from her? — ¿has tenido noticias suyas?

    we heard from Sam that... — nos enteramos por Sam de que...


    from... to...; they flew from New York to Lima volaron de Nueva York a Lima; they stretch from Derbyshire to the borders of Scotland se extienden desde el condado de Derbyshire hasta el sur de Escocia; from door to door de puerta en puerta; we work from nine to five trabajamos de nueve a cinco; I'll be in Europe from June 20 to 29 voy a estar en Europa desde el 20 hasta el 29 de junio; from $50 to $100 — entre 50 y 100 dólares

    from experience I would say that... — según mi experiencia diría que...

    a) (out of, off) de

    from the cupboard/shelf — del armario/estante

    b) ( Math)
    7) (with preps & advs)

    from above/below — desde arriba/abajo

    English-spanish dictionary > from

  • 16 vivre

    vivre [vivʀ]
    ➭ TABLE 46
    1. intransitive verb
       a. to live
    quand l'ambulance est arrivée, il vivait encore he was still alive when the ambulance arrived
    vivre à Londres/en France to live in London/in France
    vivre dans le passé/dans la crainte to live in the past/in fear
    laissez-les vivre ! let them be! ; (slogan anti-avortement) let them live!
    être facile/difficile à vivre to be easy/difficult to get on with
    vivre de laitages/de rentes to live on dairy produce/a private income
    travailler/écrire pour vivre to work/write for a living
       b. [idée, rue, paysage] to be alive
    2. transitive verb
       a. ( = passer) to spend
       b. [+ événement, guerre] to live through
    3. plural masculine noun
    * * *
    1) ( connaître) to live through [époque, période]; to go through [heures difficiles, enfer]; to experience [amour, passion]
    2) ( ressentir) to cope with [divorce, échec]

    verbe intransitif
    1) Biologie ( être vivant) to live

    vivre vieux/centenaire — to live to a great age/to be a hundred

    cesser de vivreeuph to pass away

    vive moi/nous! — three cheers for me/us!

    2) ( habiter) to live

    être facile à vivre[conjoint] to be easy to live with; [ami] to be easy to get on with

    3) ( exister) [personne] to live

    apprendre à vivre à quelqu'un — (colloq) to teach somebody some manners (colloq)

    savoir vivre — ( profiter de la vie) to know how to enjoy life

    4) ( survivre) [personne] to live
    5) ( durer) [relation, mode] to last

    avoir vécu[personne] to have seen a great deal of life; ( être usé) hum to have had its day

    6) ( être animé) [ville, rue] to be full of life
    * * *
    1. vi
    1) (= résider) to live

    J'aimerais vivre à l'étranger. — I'd like to live abroad.

    Je vis en Écosse. — I live in Scotland.

    Il vit chez ses parents. — He lives with his parents.

    Il a vécu à Paris pendant dix ans. — He lived in Paris for ten years.

    2) (= être vivant) to be alive

    avoir vécu; Ce régime a vécu. — This regime has had its day.

    3) (= exister, mener son existence) to live

    On vit de plus en plus longtemps. — People are living longer and longer.

    se laisser vivre — to let o.s. go

    ne plus vivre (= être anxieux)to live on one's nerves

    Il a vécu. — He has seen life.

    4) (= subsister) to live

    Ils avaient à peine de quoi vivre. — They had barely enough to live on.

    vivre de [salaire, allocations]to live on

    2. vt
    1) [vie] to live, [aventures] to go through, [temps] to spend

    Ils y ont vécu des jours heureux. — They spent some happy times there.

    2) (= ressentir)

    Il a très mal vécu son licenciement. — He took his redundancy very hard.

    3. nm
    4. vivres nmpl
    provisions, food supplies
    * * *
    vivre verb table: vivre
    A vtr
    1 ( connaître) to live through [époque, période]; to go through [heures difficiles, cauchemar, enfer]; to experience [amour, passion]; vivre son mariage comme un sacrifice to view one's marriage as self-sacrifice; être vécu comme un affront to be taken as an insult; vivre une vie tranquille/agitée to lead a quiet/hectic life; la vie vaut d'être vécue life is worth living; vivre sa vie to lead one's own life;
    2 ( ressentir) to cope with [divorce, échec, changement]; comment as-tu vécu votre séparation? how did you cope with your separation?; vivre sa foi to put one's faith into practiceGB?
    B vi
    1 Biol ( être vivant) [personne, animal, plante] to live; vivre longtemps/vieux/centenaire to live for a long time/to a great age/to be a hundred; cesser de vivre euph to pass away; vive la révolution/le président! long live the revolution/the president!; vive(nt) les vacances! three cheers for the holidays GB ou the vacation US!; vive la vie! life is wonderful!; vive moi/nous! three cheers for me/us!; vive Paul! hurray for Paul!;
    2 ( habiter) [personne, animal, plante] to live; vivre à la campagne/en démocratie to live in the country/in a democracy; il vit avec quelqu'un he's living with somebody; vivre à cinq dans une chambre to live five to a room; être facile/difficile à vivre [conjoint, concubin] to be easy/difficult to live with; [ami, collègue] to be easy/difficult to get on with; vivre les uns sur les autres to live on top of each other;
    3 ( exister) [personne] to live; vivre en ermite to live like a hermit; vivre dans la crainte/pour ses enfants to live in fear/for one's children; vivre avec son temps to move with the times; vivre à contre-courant to go one's own way; vivre en pyjama to live in one's pyjamas GB ou pajamas US; se laisser vivre to take things easy; apprendre à qn à vivre to teach sb some manners; savoir vivre ( profiter de la vie) to know how to enjoy life; ( être poli) to know how things are done;
    4 ( survivre) [personne] to live; bien vivre to live well; vivre de peu to live on very little; de quoi vit-elle? what does she live on?; avoir de quoi vivre to have enough to live on; vivre avec presque rien/sur son capital/de la charité to live on next to nothing/on one's capital/on charity; vivre de légumes to live on vegetables; vivre sur sa réputation to live on one's reputation; vivre de ses rentes to have a private income; faire vivre qn ( matériellement) to keep sb; vivre aux dépens de qn to live off sb; vivre d'espoir to live in hope; qu'est-ce qui te fait vivre? what keeps you going?;
    5 ( durer) [relation, mode, idéologie] to last; le gouvernement ne vivra pas longtemps the government won't last long; avoir vécu [personne] to have seen a great deal of life; hum ( être usé) [objet, idée] to have had its day; mes chaussures ont vécu my shoes have had their day; leur souvenir vivra dans nos mémoires their memory will live on in our hearts;
    6 ( être animé) [ville, rue] to be full of life.
    C se vivre vpr ( être ressenti) le divorce se vit souvent très mal divorce is often very hard to cope with.
    D vivres nmpl
    1 ( nourriture) food, supplies;
    2 ( moyens de subsistance) couper les vivres à qn to cut off sb's allowance.
    le vivre et le couvert board and lodging; vivre de l'air du temps to live on air; vivre sur un grand pied to live in great style; qui vivra verra what will be will be.
    [vivr] nom masculin
    vivres nom masculin pluriel
    food (substantif non comptable), foodstuffs, provisions
    [vivr] verbe intransitif
    1. BIOLOGIE [personne, animal] to live, to be alive
    [cellule, plante] to live
    vivre vieux ou longtemps to live to a great age ou ripe old age
    2. [mener une existence] to live
    vivre à l'heure de l'Europe/du XXIe siècle to live in the world of the European community/of the 21st century
    vivre dans le luxe/l'angoisse to live in luxury/anxiety
    ne vivre que pour la musique/sa famille to live only for music/one's family
    il fait bon vivre ici life is good ou it's a good life here
    a. [on est inquiet] we're worried sick
    b. [on est harassé] this isn't a life, this isn't what you can call living
    a. [il est impoli] he has no manners
    b. [il est trop nerveux] he doesn't know how to enjoy life
    3. [résider] to live
    vivre au Brésil/dans un château to live in Brazil/in a castle
    vivre dans une ou en communauté to live communally ou in a community
    a. [maritalement] to live with somebody
    b. [en amis] to share ou to live with somebody
    vivre ensemble [couple non marié] to live together
    être facile à vivre to be easygoing ou easy to get on with
    4. [subsister] to live
    vivre sur un seul salaire to live ou to exist on just one salary
    a. [personne] to provide a living for ou to support a family
    vivre bien/chichement to have a good/poor standard of living
    5. [se perpétuer - croyance, coutume] to be alive
    6. [donner l'impression de vie - sculpture, tableau]
    [vivr] verbe transitif
    1. [passer par - époque, événement] to live through (inseparable)
    vivre des temps difficiles to live through ou to experience difficult times
    vivre des jours heureux/paisibles to spend one's days happily/peacefully
    2. [assumer - divorce, grossesse, retraite] to experience
    elle a mal/bien vécu mon départ she couldn't cope/she coped well after I left

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > vivre

  • 17 vivere

    1. v/i live (di on)
    2. v/t (passare, provare) experience
    vivere una vita tranquilla live quietly, lead a quiet life
    * * *
    vivere v. intr.
    1 to live: piante che vivono nell'acqua, plants that live in water; mia nonna visse fino a 79 anni, my grandmother lived to the age of 79; vivere a lungo, to live for a long time; il dottore crede che non vivrà più di due giorni, the doctor thinks he will not live more than two days; vive ancora, he is still living (o he is still alive); le farfalle non vivono a lungo, butterflies are short-lived; cessare di vivere, to die; essere stanco di vivere, to be tired of life; vivere fino a tarda età, to live to a great age; possa egli vivere a lungo!, may he live long!; visse nel sedicesimo secolo, he lived in the 16th century; vivere modestamente, to live modestly; vivere onestamente, to live honestly (o to live an honest life); vivere nel peccato, to live in sin // da quando l'ho lasciato non vivo più, I've been feeling terrible since I left him; da quando gli ho promesso di portarlo al circo non mi lascia vivere, he hasn't given me a moment's peace since I promised to take him to the circus; ''Come va?'' ''Si vive'', ''How are you?'' ''I can't complain (o I'm getting by)''; quella donna non sa vivere, that woman doesn't know how to live; ti insegnerò io a vivere!, I'll teach you what's what! // chi vivrà vedrà, time will tell // vivere e lasciar vivere, (prov.) to live and let live // (tip.) vive, stet
    2 ( abitare) to live: amo vivere in città, in campagna, I love living in the city, in the country; vivo a Roma, I live in Rome; vivo qui da quasi due anni, I have been living here (for) almost two years; vivere con qlcu., to live with s.o.
    3 ( campare, sostenersi) to live (on, by sthg.): guadagno abbastanza per vivere, I earn (o make) enough to live on; riesce a stento a guadagnarsi da vivere, he can hardly make a living (o make ends meet); avere di che vivere, to have enough to live on; lavorare per vivere, to work for a living; vivere del proprio stipendio, to live on one's salary; vivere del proprio lavoro, to live by one's work; vivere di rendita, to live on a private income; vivere del sudore della propria fronte, to live by the sweat of one's brow; vivere alle spalle di qlcu., to sponge on s.o.; vivere di espedienti, to live by one's wits; vivere di elemosina, to live on alms; vivere alla giornata, to live from hand to mouth; vivere negli agi, to live a life of luxury; vivere da gran signore, to live like a lord
    4 ( durare) to live (on), to last, to endure: opera che vivrà, work that will live (o endure); il suo nome vivrà, his name will live (on); tradizioni che vivono ancora, traditions that are still alive
    v.tr. to live; to have: le vicende che egli visse, the events he lived through; vivere una vita tranquilla, to live a quiet life; abbiamo vissuto momenti felici, we have had happy moments; vivere la gioia del successo, to experience the thrill of success.
    vivere s.m. life, living; ( modo di vivere) way of life: il vivere a New York, the way of life in New York; oggi vivere è più caro di una volta, today the cost of living is higher than it used to be; per amore del quieto vivere, for the sake of a quiet life.
    * * *
    1. ['vivere]
    vb irreg vi (aus essere)
    1) (gen) to live, (essere vivo) to live, be alive

    vivere fuori dalla realtà — to live in another world, be out of touch with reality

    2) (abitare) to live

    (sostentarsi) vivere (di) — to live (on)

    (cibarsi) vivere di — to live on, feed on

    4) (comportarsi) to live
    5) Tip


    2. vt
    (vita) to live, (avvenimento, esperienza) to live through, go through
    3. sm
    * * *
    I 1. ['vivere]
    verbo intransitivo (aus. essere, avere)
    1) (essere in vita) to live

    cessare di vivereeufem. to pass away

    2) (trascorrere l'esistenza, abitare) to live

    vivere in campagna, in città — to live in the country, in town

    vivere nel lusso, nella miseria — to live o lead a life of luxury, of misery

    imparare a viverefig. to learn to live

    avere vissutofig. to have seen a great deal of life

    guadagnarsi da vivereto earn a o one's living, to make a living ( con out of)

    vivere di ricordifig. to live on memories

    verbo transitivo
    1) (conoscere) to go* through [momenti difficili, inferno]; to experience [ passione]

    vivere la propria vitato lead o live one's own life

    2) (sentire, sperimentare) to cope with [divorzio, fallimento, cambiamento]

    stare sul chi vive — to be on the qui vive, to keep a sharp look-out

    II ['vivere]
    sostantivo maschile life
    * * *
     (aus. essere, avere)
     1 (essere in vita) to live; vivere fino a cent'anni to live to be a hundred; cessare di vivere eufem. to pass away
     2 (trascorrere l'esistenza, abitare) to live; da quanto tempo vivi qui? how long have you been living here? vivere in campagna, in città to live in the country, in town; vivere per conto proprio to live on one's own; vivere nel lusso, nella miseria to live o lead a life of luxury, of misery; vivere da eremita to live like a hermit; modo di vivere way of life; imparare a vivere fig. to learn to live; avere vissuto fig. to have seen a great deal of life
     3 (sopravvivere) vivere con poco to live on very little; guadagnarsi da vivere to earn a o one's living, to make a living ( con out of); avere di che vivere to have enough to live on; vivere del proprio lavoro to live on one's work; vivere di ricordi fig. to live on memories
     4 (durare) il loro ricordo vivrà nella nostra memoria their memory will live on in our hearts
     1 (conoscere) to go* through [momenti difficili, inferno]; to experience [ passione]; vivere la propria vita to lead o live one's own life; vivere una vita tranquilla to lead a quiet life; la vita vale la pena di essere vissuta life is worth living
     2 (sentire, sperimentare) to cope with [divorzio, fallimento, cambiamento]
    chi vivrà vedrà time (alone) will tell; stare sul chi vive to be on the qui vive, to keep a sharp look-out; vivi e lascia vivere live and let live.
    sostantivo m.
    life; questo non è vivere this is not life; quieto vivere quiet life; per amore del quieto vivere for a quiet life.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > vivere

  • 18 Bell, Revd Patrick

    b. 1799 Auchterhouse, Scotland
    d. 22 April 1869 Carmyllie, Scotland
    Scottish inventor of the first successful reaping machine.
    The son of a Forfarshire tenant farmer, Patrick Bell obtained an MA from the University of St Andrews. His early association with farming kindled an interest in engineering and mechanics and he was to maintain a workshop not only on his father's farm, but also, in later life, at the parsonage at Carmyllie.
    He was still studying divinity when he invented his reaping machine. Using garden shears as the basis of his design, he built a model in 1827 and a full-scale prototype the following year. Not wishing the machine to be seen during his early experiments, he and his brother planted a sheaf of oats in soil laid out in a shed, and first tried the machine on this. It cut well enough but left the straw in a mess behind it. A canvas belt system was devised and another secret trial in the barn was followed by a night excursion into a field, where corn was successfully harvested.
    Two machines were at work during 1828, apparently achieving a harvest rate of one acre per hour. In 1832 there were ten machines at work, and at least another four had been sent to the United States by this time. Despite their success Bell did not patent his design, feeling that the idea should be given free to the world. In later years he was to regret the decision, feeling that the many badly-made imitations resulted in its poor reputation and prevented its adoption.
    Bell's calling took precedence over his inventive interests and after qualifying he went to Canada in 1833, spending four years in Fergus, Ontario. He later returned to Scotland and be-came the minister at Carmyllie, with a living of £150 per annum.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Late in the day he was honoured for his part in the development of the reaping machine. He received an honorary degree from the University of St Andrews and in 1868 a testimonial and £1,000 raised by public subscription by the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland.
    1854, Journal of Agriculture (perhaps stung by other claims, Bell wrote his own account).
    Further Reading
    G.Quick and W.Buchele, 1978, The Grain Harvesters, American Society of Agricultural Engineers (gives an account of the development of harvesting machinery).
    L.J.Jones, 1979, History of Technology, pp. 101–48 (gives a critical assessment of the various claims regarding the originality of the invention).
    51–69 (provides a celebration of Bell's achievement on its centenary).

    Biographical history of technology > Bell, Revd Patrick

  • 19 Elder, John

    b. 9 March 1824 Glasgow, Scotland
    d. 17 September 1869 London, England
    Scottish engineer who introduced the compound steam engine to ships and established an important shipbuilding company in Glasgow.
    John was the third son of David Elder. The father came from a family of millwrights and moved to Glasgow where he worked for the well-known shipbuilding firm of Napier's and was involved with improving marine engines. John was educated at Glasgow High School and then for a while at the Department of Civil Engineering at Glasgow University, where he showed great aptitude for mathematics and drawing. He spent five years as an apprentice under Robert Napier followed by two short periods of activity as a pattern-maker first and then a draughtsman in England. He returned to Scotland in 1849 to become Chief Draughtsman to Napier, but in 1852 he left to become a partner with the Glasgow general engineering company of Randolph Elliott \& Co. Shortly after his induction (at the age of 28), the engineering firm was renamed Randolph Elder \& Co.; in 1868, when the partnership expired, it became known as John Elder \& Co. From the outset Elder, with his partner, Charles Randolph, approached mechanical (especially heat) engineering in a rigorous manner. Their knowledge and understanding of entropy ensured that engine design was not a hit-and-miss affair, but one governed by recognition of the importance of the new kinetic theory of heat and with it a proper understanding of thermodynamic principles, and by systematic development. In this Elder was joined by W.J.M. Rankine, Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics at Glasgow University, who helped him develop the compound marine engine. Elder and Randolph built up a series of patents, which guaranteed their company's commercial success and enabled them for a while to be the sole suppliers of compound steam reciprocating machinery. Their first such engine at sea was fitted in 1854 on the SS Brandon for the Limerick Steamship Company; the ship showed an improved performance by using a third less coal, which he was able to reduce still further on later designs.
    Elder developed steam jacketing and recognized that, with higher pressures, triple-expansion types would be even more economical. In 1862 he patented a design of quadruple-expansion engine with reheat between cylinders and advocated the importance of balancing reciprocating parts. The effect of his improvements was to greatly reduce fuel consumption so that long sea voyages became an economic reality.
    His yard soon reached dimensions then unequalled on the Clyde where he employed over 4,000 workers; Elder also was always interested in the social welfare of his labour force. In 1860 the engine shops were moved to the Govan Old Shipyard, and again in 1864 to the Fairfield Shipyard, about 1 mile (1.6 km) west on the south bank of the Clyde. At Fairfield, shipbuilding was commenced, and with the patents for compounding secure, much business was placed for many years by shipowners serving long-distance trades such as South America; the Pacific Steam Navigation Company took up his ideas for their ships. In later years the yard became known as the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company Ltd, but it remains today as one of Britain's most efficient shipyards and is known now as Kvaerner Govan Ltd.
    In 1869, at the age of only 45, John Elder was unanimously elected President of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland; however, before taking office and giving his eagerly awaited presidential address, he died in London from liver disease. A large multitude attended his funeral and all the engineering shops were silent as his body, which had been brought back from London to Glasgow, was carried to its resting place. In 1857 Elder had married Isabella Ure, and on his death he left her a considerable fortune, which she used generously for Govan, for Glasgow and especially the University. In 1883 she endowed the world's first Chair of Naval Architecture at the University of Glasgow, an act which was reciprocated in 1901 when the University awarded her an LLD on the occasion of its 450th anniversary.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    President, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland 1869.
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1869, Engineer 28.
    1889, The Dictionary of National Biography, London: Smith Elder \& Co. W.J.Macquorn Rankine, 1871, "Sketch of the life of John Elder" Transactions of the
    Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland.
    Maclehose, 1886, Memoirs and Portraits of a Hundred Glasgow Men.
    The Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Works, 1909, London: Offices of Engineering.
    P.M.Walker, 1984, Song of the Clyde, A History of Clyde Shipbuilding, Cambridge: PSL.
    R.L.Hills, 1989, Power from Steam. A History of the Stationary Steam Engine, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (covers Elder's contribution to the development of steam engines).
    RLH / FMW

    Biographical history of technology > Elder, John


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    IJP - International Journal of Psycho-analysis
    JAPA - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
    SE - Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1953—74.)
    PSOC - Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    PQ - Psychoanalytic Quarterly
    WAF - The Writings of Anna Freud, ed. Anna Freud (New York: International Universities Press, 1966—74)
    PMC - Psychoanalysis The Major Concepts ed. Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    О словаре: _about - Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts
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